by 霍秉楠 Nick Huo
Hi! Welcome to my website for MATH230 Final Project. On the top right corner you will find links to my past visualizations created in MATH230 and two data story pages – one for the story itself and another for all the code that built the visualizations used in my data story.
My data story explores the relationships about used car listings in the United States. I found a dataset on used cars contained more than 850K entries and variables including: Vin, Price, Year, Mileage, City, State, Make, and Model. Hope you will like my visualizations!
My name is 霍秉楠 Bingnan (Nick) Huo. I am from Beijing, China! I’m currently a junior majoring in Statistics at Bucknell University. In my free time, I love to skiing, mountain biking, and playing video games!